Wednesday, May 4, 2022
More than $325,000 in scholarships awarded to CVTC students

Three hundred and sixty Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) students received scholarships totaling more than $325,000 recently when the CVTC Foundation hosted its annual Scholarship Awards Reception on Wednesday, May 4.
College President, Sunem Beaton-Garcia, said many CVTC students do not take a “traditional path to success.”
“They face challenges and barriers that may interrupt their educational journeys, such as food insecurity, language barriers, lack of access to technology and financial instability,” she said to donors. “Your commitment and support to providing student scholarships creates opportunities for students to rise about these obstacles. These scholarships change lives.”
The scholarships were given to incoming and continuing students and span a majority of the CVTC program areas.
Award winners with scholarship names are listed below:
From Altoona: Catherine Aguillard, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship; Devon Meier, Mike Donley Memorial Scholarship and Gerald Hawkenson Memorial Scholarship; Lori Raycher, Phi Theta Kappa Member Scholarship; May Pa Thao, Delta Dental of Wisconsin Foundation and Inclusion Scholarship
From Arcadia: Justin Kamrowski, Gus Bell Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Augusta: Pamela Seichter, Lake Wissota Garden Club Scholarship; Nathan Sobotta, CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Autumn Volbrecht, Cheryl A. Janke Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Virgene Druschel Memorial Scholarship
From Black River Falls: Mckenna Aldach, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship and Great Northern Corporation Endowment Scholarship; Jessica Mannise, Bob Houser - Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Endowed Scholarship
From Blair: Garrison Armitage, Zenas & Dorothy Beers Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Black's Valley Ag Scholarship
From Bloomer: Levi Homann, Fey Family Endowed Diesel Mechanic Scholarship and CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Lacy Kunsman, Paulette Wright Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Andrew Marvin, Neil Roberts Memorial Scholarship for Single Fathers: Manufacturing; Mia Rubenzer, Norbert & Helen Wurtzel Endowment Scholarship and Tsai-Huang Diversity Endowment Scholarship
From Boyd: Mckenzie Derks, Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship II and Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship I
From Bruce: Luke Hessler, The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation General Scholarship
From Cameron: Jennifer Brown, Kathryn Fischer Memorial Endowment Scholarship and The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation Program Scholarship; Justyne Engen, Compeer Financial Agriculture Scholarship and Bruno Gansluckner Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Jennifer Holub, Jean M. Peterson Memorial Scholarship
From Centuria: Nicholas Frokjer, Zenas & Dorothy Beers Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Chetek: Levi Marquardt, IT - Software Developer Program Scholarship, Satyawati & Dhan Prakash Garg Memorial Endowment Scholarship, John Moseng Information Technology Endowment Scholarship, and Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Tyler Razim, Casey Anderson Memorial Scholarship, Reinhart Family Endowment Scholarship, and Escoffier Excellence Endowment Scholarship
From Chippewa Falls: Zaid Abdullah, Francis C. Sorrentino Memorial Scholarship II and Francis C. Sorrentino Memorial Scholarship I; Austin Amelse, Lyman Lumber of Wisconsin Endowment Scholarship; Isaiah Anderson, CVTC Education Association Endowment and Ben Meyer Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Casey Bement, Nellie Henning Memorial Endowment Scholarship, IT - Software Developer Program Scholarship, John Moseng Information Technology Endowment Scholarship, and Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Jackie Blum, Don & Mary Samuelson Endowment Scholarship; Kendra Bowe, Conard Family Charitable Foundation Respiratory Therapy Scholarship and Friends of Respiratory Therapy Scholarship - First-Year Student; Andrew Gates, Xcel Energy HVAC Scholarship and Northwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors' Association Endowment Scholarship - HVAC; Christine Geissler, Don & Mary Samuelson Endowment Scholarship; Christina Grasley, Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship II and Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship I; Odessa Virginia Hazelton, The Rowe Family Endowment Scholarship and Maybelle Brechlin Price Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Steven Koehler, Chippewa Valley Model A Club Endowment Scholarship and Jerome Contney Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Marshall Lewter, Dale W. Lambert Memorial Scholarship; Aiden Mccauley, Northwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors' Association Endowment Scholarship - Residential Construction Eau Claire; Lyndsey Nowak, Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship II and Arnold & Lois Domer Foundation Scholarship I; Hope Perry, Gladys Bramblett Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Lindsey Schimmel, Denise Waterman Memorial Scholarship and Menomonie Paid On-Call Firefighter Jack Ganzemiller Scholarship; Maureen Steltz, Winterling Paralegal Scholarship and William J. Boyle Endowment Scholarship; Atticus Tepaske, Chippewa Valley Sports Car Club - The Doug Christensen Memorial Scholarship and Indianhead Old Car Club Endowment Scholarship; Kaitlyn Tice, Gwen Entorf Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship; Kaden Verhulst, US Bank Endowment Scholarship and Robert L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Julia Wahl, Jim & Jessica Binder Aoda/Nursing Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Colfax: Cody Braun, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship, Scott & Ann Hoffmann Scholarship, and WIN Technology Scholarship; Abby Suvada, Helen Baetke Rizzi Endowment Scholarship; Dana Swagger, Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship
From Cornell: Nicholas Theis, IT - Software Developer Program Scholarship and Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Katerina Zimmermann, Cathy "Stretch" Weiss Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Cumberland: Josannah Heinecke, Dairy State Bank Endowment Scholarship
From Downing: Brandi Standaert, P.E.O. Chapter AF Eau Claire Scholarship and Jerry Jacobson Leadership Endowment Scholarship
From Durand: Bridget Myers, Dental Hygienist Faculty Scholarship and Wisconsin Dental Association Foundation Scholarship
From Eau Claire: Quinnlan Acker, Larry Lee Reckin Memorial Marketing Endowment Scholarship; Catherine Anderson, Global Finishing Solutions Welding Scholarship, Brian Gettler Memorial/PMI Manufacturing Scholarship, and Fred Grosvold Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Ian Asperheim, CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Stephen Atter, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Jennifer Beckley, Cleghorn Lions' Club Scholarship; Calie Berg, Mckinley Charter School Endowment Scholarship; Logan Blackwell, CVTC Welding Endowment Scholarship, Veritas Steel Endowment Scholarship, and Richard Freeburg Honorary Welding Scholarship; Connor Brandt, 3M Map Scholarship and McKinley Charter School Endowment Scholarship - Michael Siker; Laine Brown, Casey Anderson Memorial Scholarship and Eau Claire City/CountyTLW Culinary Scholarship; Michelle Buchholz, Wisconsin Physical Therapy Association - Northwestern District Endowed Scholarship; Christopher Burg, Chippewa Valley Home Builders' Association Landscaping Endowment Scholarship and Wisconsin Agri-Business Association Scholarship; Jasmine Bylander, Casey Anderson Memorial Scholarship and Eau Claire City/CountyTLW Culinary Scholarship; Kaiya Callanta, Chippewa Valley Corvette Club Scholarship and Doug & Gloria Christensen Automotive Endowed Scholarship; Elaine Campbell, Northwestern Bank Endowment Scholarship; Savannah Carlberg, Eau Claire Seymour Lions' Club Scholarship, Charter Bank Investing in Our Community Scholarship, and CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Stephanie Chang, Audrey Dernbach Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship; Nicholas Christensen, Dale W. Lambert Memorial Scholarship; Gary Dahl, Phil Ruehl Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Joe Demarre, Earl Welke Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Dalton Dey, Clifford Brown Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Jessica Drew, Prevea Health Scholarship; Davina Erickson, Tri-County Medical Alliance Endowment Scholarship and John E. Smith Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Judy Ewer, Ivar Walker Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Myrtle E. Lemay Best Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Andrew Fenner, WJR Endowment Scholarship; Kenny Fraser, Neil Roberts Memorial Scholarship for Single Fathers: Automotive; Stacey Geist, Disability Endowment Scholarship; Drew Goebel, CliftonLarsonAllen, Llp, Accounting Endowment Scholarship; Michael Hase, R.E. Carter Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Taylor Hatley, Matthew G. Overhulser Memorial Endowed Nursing Scholarship; Kyle Herrmann, WJR Endowment Scholarship; Allison Hirte, Larry Lee Reckin Memorial Marketing Endowment Scholarship; Grace Horn, Mary Kleinsteiber Memorial Scholarship; Eunhae Hwang, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship and John Moseng Information Technology Endowment Scholarship; Sharon Idarraga, Nancy A. Bejin Radiography Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Cathy "Stretch" Weiss Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Cierra January, Braylen Mero Memorial Scholarship; Donta Jenkins, Chippewa Valley Auto Body Association Scholarship and Indianhead Old Car Club Auto Collision Repair & Refinish Scholarship; Grace Johns, Casey Anderson Memorial Scholarship; Jordan Kamish, Liberal Arts Memorial Scholarship; Laura Kawleski, Wisconsin Agri-Business Association Scholarship; Kristin Kelly, Association for Facilities Engineering (AFE) Chapter 66 Scholarship; Koob Khang, WIN Technology Scholarship, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship, Thomas Draz Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Li-Ling Huang Memorial Endowment Scholarship, and Imagineering, LLC, Scholarship; Yer Khang, Business Technology Scholarship and The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation Program Scholarship; Rebecca Kinstler, Clinton Best Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Myrtle E. Lemay Best Memorial Endowment Scholarship, and Maybelle Brechlin Price Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Cynthia Kragness, Braylen Mero Memorial Scholarship; Steven Kubiak, Northwestern Bank Endowment Scholarship; Alexander Lagrew, Northwestern Wisconsin Peace Officers' Association Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Kaitlyn Lambeck, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship; Elizabeth Langford, Western Wisconsin Health Information Management Association Scholarship and Tracey Christman Memorial Medical Scholarship; Dylan Lefeber, American Association of University Women - Eau Claire Branch Scholarship; Chad Licht, Cancer Remission/Survivor Endowment Scholarship; Nay Zaw Lin, Johanna Warloski Diversity Endowment Scholarship; Bret Luedtke, Robert Straavaldson Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Laurie Marcon, Local 2398 Marion Flood Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Ida B. Fischer Business-Accounting Scholarship; Rosemary McGann, IAAP - Chippewa Valley Chapter Endowment Scholarship; Meta Mcgee, Tri-County Medical Alliance Endowment Scholarship and Bryan Higley Memorial Scholarship; Anthony Morford, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Marie Moua, Robert L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Brooke Nelson, Gladys Bramblett Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Steve Dobson Memorial Endowment Scholarship, and Brehm Family Endowment Scholarship; Cherish Nelson, The Rowe Family Endowment Scholarship; Hannah Nicol, Delta Dental of Wisconsin Foundation and Inclusion Scholarship; Geraldo Pereira, Jr, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship, Northwestern Bank Endowment Scholarship, and Great Northern Corporation Endowment Scholarship; Laura Risen, Audrey Dernbach Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship and Chippewa Valley Vocational Homemakers' Club Endowment Scholarship; Geraldine Rumphol, Northwestern Bank Endowment Scholarship; Daniel Samaniego, Larry Lee Reckin Memorial Marketing Endowment Scholarship; Olesya Shelomova, American Association of University Women - Eau Claire Branch Scholarship; Sara Shepersky, The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation General Scholarship; Justice Spillers, L. E. Phillips Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Carol L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Isabel Steele, Ida B. Fischer Business-Accounting Scholarship and Robert L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship; William Strange, Nikola Tesla Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Silicon Graphics, Inc., Endowment Scholarship; Makenzie Teague, Debra Tillmann Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Norbert & Helen Wurtzel Endowment Scholarship; Larken Tessendorf, Cancer Remission/Survivor Endowment Scholarship; Emma Thurston, CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Lisa Tichey, Jerome Hedrington Memorial Criminal Justice Scholarship; Pamela Torres Canto, Global Finishing Solutions Architectural Structural Design Scholarship, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Foundation and CRSI Pioneer and Viking Chapters Scholarship, and Ray Loer Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Samantha Turnmire, Wayne R. Atkins Endowment Scholarship and River Town Dental Scholarship; Ruth Vang, Liberal Arts Memorial Scholarship; Zaria Whitacre, Ronald & Sharen Hoepner Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Kaley Wisner, US Bank Endowment Scholarship and West Central Wisconsin Aib/Edna Brown Endowment Scholarship; Chousie Yang, BMO Harris Bank Endowed Scholarship
From Eleva: Megan Awe, CVTC Education Association Endowment; Julianna Marino, CVTC Education Association Endowment; Samuel Preston, Fred Brechlin Electromechanical Endowment Scholarship and Carl E. Hagen Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Heather Werner, Arthur Medtlie Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Elk Mound: Kimberly Carrillo, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student, Doris Freeburg Honorary Nursing Scholarship, Julie Furst-Bowe Leadership Scholarship, and Charter Bank Investing in Our Community Scholarship; Kristen Cooley, Arendt Scholarship; Isaac Her, Conagra Foods Next Generation Scholarship and Conagra Foods Scholarship; Brett Rosenthal, Lars Fiskars Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Wisconsin Motor Carriers' Association Dave Keays Memorial Scholarship
From Emerald: Kailey Brandt, Chippewa Valley Sports Car Club - The Dick Feeney Memorial Scholarship, Bob Jacobson Auto Collision Repair & Refinish Scholarship, Chippewa Valley Auto Body Association Scholarship, and Indianhead Old Car Club Auto Collision Repair & Refinish Scholarship
From Evansville: Naomi Hionis, Bloomer Fire & EMS Scholarship and Menomonie Paid On-Call Firefighter Jack Ganzemiller Scholarship
From Fall Creek: Lindsey Marion, Eau Claire Evening Lions' Club - Gordie Berg Memorial Scholarship; Daniel Messerschmidt, Jon Kott Mid-State Truck Service Memorial Endowment and Wisconsin Motor Carriers' Association Dave Keays Memorial Scholarship
From Glenwood City: Jenesa Klinger, Northwest District Dental Society Scholarship and Tri-County Dental Society Scholarship
From Granton: Theresa Mcconkey, Charter Bank Investing in Our Community Scholarship
From Greenwood: Shawn Collinson, Gale & Jan Otterholt Allied Medical Endowment Scholarship
From Hayward: Alexandra Krause, Prevea Health Scholarship and Jerry Jacobson Leadership Endowment Scholarship
From Holcombe: Korina Colliver, Eleanor M. & Lyle D. Houlder Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Lisa Golat, Ruth R. Peterson Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Hudson: Kari Arnett, CVTC Education Association Endowment; James Hoffman, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Vanessa Pechacek, Betty Most Agency Residential Construction Scholarship; Deshnee Plourde, Larry Gansluckner Endowment Scholarship and Local 2398 Marion Flood Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From La Crosse: Jamey Hayes, Xcel Energy Mechatronics Scholarship
From Ladysmith: Austin Kroening, Cummins Great Lakes Career Endowment Scholarship; Anna Ringstad, Joseph & Ethyl Tomashek Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Jean Husby Memorial Marketing Endowment Scholarship, Arthur Kopp Memorial Endowment Scholarship, and Cheryl A. Janke Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Luck: Cindy Hardin, Western Wisconsin Health Information Management Association Scholarship
From Maiden Rock: Zackory Phillips, St. Croix Economic Development Corporation Scholarship
From Medford: Sierra Hanson, Coy Hobbs Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Kara Hudak, Giriraj Kishore & Brahma Devi Agrawal Memorial Endowment - Diversity Scholarship
From Menomonie: Ryan Bailey, Leslie Gilbertson Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Arland M. & Eleanor M. Larson Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Gerald H. Jacobson Endowment Scholarship, and Taylor Machine, Inc., Scholarship; Tyler Bignell, Dick Klatt Memorial Welding Endowment Scholarship; Carli Dahms, Black's Valley Ag Scholarship; Nandita Das, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Foundation and CRSI Pioneer and Viking Chapters Scholarship and CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Lydiah Getui, Eau Claire Evening Lions' Club - Gordie Berg Memorial Scholarship and Braylen Mero Memorial Scholarship; Sydney Jacobs, Jim and Nancy Bensen Scholarship; Madison Ludwig, Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship and Julia Stoffa Memorial Scholarship; Constance Mukanda, Charter Bank Investing in Our Community Scholarship and Diversity Achievement Scholarship; Sabrina Nupp, Charles A. Kaufman Memorial GED/HSED Support & Scholarship Endowment; Devin Olson, Thomas Dougherty Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Autumn Schubert, CVTC Alumni Association Scholarship; Tammy Thurber, Patrick B. Devine Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Dawn Bosold Women in Business & Accounting Endowment Scholarship; Ashley Waak, Chippewa Valley Technical Recruiters' Endowed Scholarship, AWS & SME - Jansen/Roth/Vanderloop Leadership Endowment Scholarship, Derek Kizewski Memorial - Riverside Machine & Engineering, Inc., Scholarship, Nordson EDI Corporation Scholarship, and CVTC Machine Tool Faculty & Staff Scholarship; Elizabeth Zoellner-Kunkle, Carol Sokolowski Memorial Endowment Scholarship and Pamela Hanson Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Mondovi: Payton Fedie, Great Northern Corporation Endowment Scholarship, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship, and Imagineering, LLC, Scholarship; Miranda Jamison, Jean Husby Memorial Marketing Endowment Scholarship and Robert Benedict Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Endowment
From Neillsville: Emily Hanson, Robert L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From New Auburn: Corey Miller, Julie Furst-Bowe Leadership Scholarship, Geri Wendt Memorial Accounting Endowment Scholarship, and Charter Bank Investing in Our Community Scholarship; Justyce Yohnk, Northwest District Dental Society Scholarship
From New Richmond: Jessica Gruhlke, Delta Dental of Wisconsin Foundation and Inclusion Scholarship; Taylor Humphrey, Roger Schaefer Endowment Scholarship and Chippewa Valley Vocational Homemakers' Club Endowment Scholarship; Mykenzie Patten, Lexy Harris Memorial Scholarship
From Oconomowoc: Anabella Khrulev, Braylen Mero Memorial Scholarship
From Osseo: Kyle Malec, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship; Scott Plomedahl, Ashrae/La Crosse Chapter Scholarship; Jennifer Scheller, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student
From Prescott: Shanon Murphy, Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship; Maggie Phillipps, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and Cammie B. Johnson Memorial Scholarship; Carson Stenroos, Betty Most Agency Residential Construction Scholarship
From Rice Lake: Elise Lotton, Sahlan Nail Technician Scholarship; Brenda Melchor Dominguez, CVTC Alum & Faculty Radiography Student Scholarship; Andrea Timblin, Dawn Bosold Women in Business & Accounting Endowment Scholarship; Nick Wiederholt, Walter Hestekin Memorial Endowment Scholarship and WJR Endowment Scholarship
From River Falls: Renae Flett, St. Croix Economic Development Corporation Scholarship and Robert Benedict Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities Endowment; Samuel Kangar, Northwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors' Association Endowment Scholarship - Residential Construction River Falls; Rachel Leonard, The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation General Scholarship and Margo Keys Leadership Scholarship; Anna Lloyd, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and Maybelle Brechlin Price Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Lauren Ziebarth, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and American Association of University Women - River Falls Scholarship
From Spooner: Logan Gibson, Edward H. Johnson Marketing Endowment Scholarship; Bobby Schleicher, Chippewa Valley Model A Club Endowment Scholarship and R.E. Carter Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Spring Valley: Victoria Butler, St. Croix Economic Development Corporation Scholarship
From Stanley: Samuel Denzine, Lavern G. Soper Memorial Scholarship II and Lavern G. Soper Memorial Scholarship I; Pamela Endvick, Josephine Dine Memorial Endowment Scholarship; Victoria Kramar, Ardis N. Mcafee Endowment Scholarship; Dylan Lingen, Chippewa Valley Technical Recruiters' Endowed Scholarship, Elmer Roos Memorial Endowment Scholarship, Nordson EDI Corporation Scholarship, and Gerald H. Jacobson Endowment Scholarship; Ronald Wright, Bartingale Mechanical, Inc., Scholarship
From Stevens Point: Mason Meixner, 3M Map Scholarship and Calli & Orville Andrus Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Stone Lake: Matthew Dorn, Northwest Wisconsin Building Inspectors' Association Endowment Scholarship- Architectural/Structural Design and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Foundation and CRSI Pioneer and Viking Chapters Scholarship; Daniel Drabek, Eau Claire Realty/David F. Suchla Endowment Scholarship, Chippewa Valley Home Builders' Association Endowment Scholarship, and Residential Construction Club Scholarship - Eau Claire
From Strum: Topanga Rindal, Michelle Pinkston Memorial Scholarship
From Thorp: Ashley Jacque, Northwestern Bank Endowment Scholarship and Compeer Financial Agriculture Scholarship; Christina Keating-Copenhaver, Linda Weaver-Berdami Memorial Endowment Scholarship; McKenna LaCanne, Patricia Ann Raymond Memorial Scholarship and Friends of Respiratory Therapy Scholarship - Second-Year Student - WSRC
From Tomah: Maci Betthauser, CVTC Education Association Endowment
From Turtle Lake: Vania Moe, Northern Wisconsin Hosta Society Scholarship
From Whitehall: Megan Kjos, US Bank Endowment Scholarship and Robert L. Zimmerman Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Willard: Dakota Clark, Eau Claire Realty/David F. Suchla Endowment Scholarship and Lyman Lumber of Wisconsin Endowment Scholarship
From Winter: Tawna Shampo, Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship
From Bayport: Madeline O'Connor, CVTC Nursing Faculty Scholarship and The Jim & Jennifer Rooney Family Foundation General Scholarship
From Hastings: Michelle Delcastillo, IT - Software Developer Program Scholarship and Roger Mueller Information Technology Scholarship
From Hutchinson: Anna German, C.W. Beede Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Stillwater: Tara Majeski, Karl & Vila Nygaard Memorial Nursing Endowment Scholarship - Continuing Student and Charles and Jean Curti Nursing Endowment Scholarship
From Woodbury: Fadua Candia Vargas, Bye, Goff & Rohde, Ltd., Paralegal Scholarship and Willard E. Pynn Memorial Endowment Scholarship
From Herndon: Kenneth Osbon, Skyline Steel Scholarship and Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Foundation and CRSI Pioneer and Viking Chapters Scholarship
Chippewa Valley Technical College delivers superior, progressive technical education which improves the lives of students, meets the workforce needs of the region and strengthens the larger community. Campuses are located in Chippewa Falls, Eau Claire, Menomonie, Neillsville and River Falls. CVTC serves an 11-county area in west-central Wisconsin. CVTC is part of the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) and is one of 16 WTCS colleges located throughout the state.